Monday, January 25, 2010

Dix Choses Honnêtes

I was reading sara's blog and she said anyone who reads the '10 honest things' is tagged...ah hell why not?

1. I wanna live in europe/abroad for the rest of my life.
2. I doubt my intelligence/cabability all the time despite reassurance from others and cover it up with sarcastic remarks most of the time.
3. I think bacon smells good (i know, vegetarians arent allowed to think that but whatev)
4. It makes me really sad that i havent met my brother's child yet.
5. I have a huge shopping problem.
6. I like my blonde hair and I dont ever wanna be brunette.
7. Graduating college scares the shit out of me, im afraid ill end up a failure, or worse, a 40 year old waitress at Waffle House.
8. Appearances are important to me (esp clean teeth and tanning)
9. Im sick of organized religions and people being punished for being different
10. Karma is real and im not going to deny that there are some things out there that will kick me in my ass sooner or later...
11. I love writing and think it's the only thing im good at...but i have only just realized this my last semester of college...
12. I hate french keyboards.
PS i added two more cuz im cool and rebellious like that. whattt up. if someone reads this, you're tagged for 12 honest it to it.

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